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Year: 2017
Size: h 3/8″ x w 3 3/4″ x d 3 3/8″
Materials: Porcelain, Glaze, China Paint, Vintage Decals
(milk mug sold separately)

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SKU: 92-1569 Categories: ,

Tags: blau, blau und weiss, blue, blue and white, blume, bourbon, china paint, chinapaint, coaster, coffee, cookie, cup, cyan, decals, drink, flower, german, gold, green, hand, hand painted, handle, handmade, handpainted, japanese, japanese pattern, keks, luster, milch, milk, mug, pattern, persian red, persisches rot, plate, porcelain, raised decals, red, rot, rouge, tasse, tea, teller, tellerchen, untersetzer, vintage, whiskey


Other Artwork by Melanie Sherman


Tags: blau, blau und weiss, blue, blue and white, blume, bourbon, china paint, chinapaint, coaster, coffee, cookie, cup, cyan, decals, drink, flower, german, gold, green, hand, hand painted, handle, handmade, handpainted, japanese, japanese pattern, keks, luster, milch, milk, mug, pattern, persian red, persisches rot, plate, porcelain, raised decals, red, rot, rouge, tasse, tea, teller, tellerchen, untersetzer, vintage, whiskey