
Melanie Sherman
Vintage Moth II (Wall Piece/Dish (handpainted)
Porcelain, Glaze, Overglaze, Chinapaints, 24k German Gold Luster, Brass Wire (for hanging, can be removed)
Year: 2022
Size: 4.5×6.5×0.5in
Signed by hand
COA provided
Ref.: 924802-1327

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My ceramics are handmade and painted with the finest overglazes from Europe. The gold luster used is 24k liquid Gold from Germany. Every piece is unique. My imagery is inspired by vintage Meissen dinnerware, William Morris wallpaper and other historical sources.

Vintage Moth Wall Piece Ornament Small Dish Candy Sugar Tea handpainted handmade butterfly peacock 24k German gold luster ceramics porcelain charm, jewelry, personalized, family, tree, retro, heart, mother, moon, baby, feet, gemstone, flower, mom, birth, year, art, chinapaint, luster, lustre, contemporary ceramics, futility of pleasure, herend, meissen, sevre, pattern, arita, arita ware, imari, imari ware, dresden, germany, japan, jingdezhen, china, photography, momento mori, flowers, flower motif, drawing, illustration, peacock, cherry blossom, chrysanthemum, kiku, 菊, kikka, 菊花, Ōka, 黄花, Kiku no hana, 菊の花, Chōgenbō, チョウゲンボウ, Jú shí, 菊石, rose, 薔薇, bara, Rōze, ローゼ, Rōzu, ローゼ, バラ, Jōshō shita, 上昇した, Wēi, 薇, Ikebana, Kadō, 生け花, 活け花, 華道, flowerarrangement, sogetsu, wabisabi, floralarrangement, tatebana, tatehana, zashikikazari, kimono, prahran, japanesetextiles, stonningtongifts, kazarichristmas, obi, vintageobi, vintagekimono, ziguzagu, kuge, 供華, Sedensho, rikka, 立花, suna-no-mono, 砂の物, chabana, nageirebana, 投入花, seika, shoka, 生花, Moribana, 盛花, suiban, kenzan, Jiyūka, 自由花, porcelain, goldluster, polarice, gold, goldpowder, dishes, jewelry, ringdishes, polariceporcelain, cups, necklace, ring, ceramics, bemyvalentine, pottery, cup, chinapainting, yunomi, kcmo, mugshotmonday, kck, kccrossroads, kcarts, kc, teacup, keramik, madeinkc, makersmovement, handthrown, japanesepattern, stokeontrent, porcelain, drache, makcollectiononline, designmuseum, designhistory, designdictionary, dose, decorativearts, mak, makwien, designhounds, keramik, appliedarts, postitfortheaesthetic, designanddecoration, porzellan, makvienna, visualcrush, lightingdesign, dragon, decarts, gold, pattern, vintage, decal, handpainted, cobaltblue, staffordshire, madeinengland, yunomi, porcelain, porzellanmalerei, pinkglitter, chinapaint, kcmade, keramik, ceramic, gold, luster, goldluster, teabowl, vintage, shinyobjects, gold, sparkle, pastelkawaii, pastel, harajukustyle, prescious, kawaiidesu, prettypastelplease, allthatglitters, harajuku, harajukufashion, aestheticfeed, tealovers, redworld, redgold, thepinkstagram, 24kgermangoldluster, moreismore, chinapainting, porcelain, justalittletipsy, andersonranch, andersonranchartscenter, colorado, snowmass, aspen, surfacedecoration, ornamentation, handmade, womeninart, womenincraft, womenceramicartists, pottersofinstagram, moderncraft ⁠modernceramics, craftswomen, kcmade, kansascityartist, blueflowers, madeinkc, horrorvaccui ⁠#keramik, ceramique, porcelainjewelry, stokeontrent, vintagedinnerware, owl, moreismore, chinapainting, porcelain, justalittletipsy, chalice, calix, holygrail, patterns, goblet, surfacedecoration, ornamentation, handmade, womeninart, womenincraft, womenceramicartists, pottersofinstagram, moderncraft, modernceramics, craftswomen, kcmade, kansascityartist, blueflowers, madeinkc, ceramics, keramik, ceramique, porcelain, stokeontrent, vintagedinnerware, ranchmade, andersonranchartscenter, andersonranch, snowmass, colorado, aspen, womeninclay, womeninceramics, womenincraft, kansascity, kccrossroads, kcmo, kcartist, ceramics, keramik, ceramique, porcelain, surfacedecoration, moreismore, chinapainting 24kgermangoldluster, aestheticfeed, allthatglitters, andersonranch, andersonranchartscenter, appliedarts, aspen, aspen, bemyvalentine, blueflowers, blueflowers, calix, ceramic, ceramics, ceramique, chalice, chinapaint, chinapainting, Christmas, christmasgift cobaltblue, colorado, craftswomen, cup, cups, decal, decarts, decorativearts, designanddecoration, designdictionary, designhistory, designhounds, designmuseum, dishes, dose, drache, dragon, gift, goblet, gold, goldluster, goldpowder, handmade, handpainted, handthrown harajuku, harajukufashion, harajukustyle, holiday, holidaygift, holidaysale holygrail, horrorvaccui, japanesepattern, jewelry, justalittletipsy, kansascity, kansascityartist, kawaiidesu, kc, kcartist, kcarts, kccrossroads, kck, kclocal kcmade, kcmo, keramik, lightingdesign, luster, madeinengland, madeinkc, mak, makcollectiononline, makersmovement, makvienna, makwien, modernceramics, moderncraft, moreismore, mugshotmonday, necklace, Ornament, ornamentation, owl, pastel, pastelkawaii, pattern, patterns, pinkglitter, polarice, polariceporcelain, porcelain, porcelainjewelry, porzellan, porzellanmalerei, postitfortheaesthetic, pottersofinstagram, pottery, prescious, prettypastelplease, ranchmade, redgold, redworld, ring, ringdishes, shinyobjects, snowmass, sparkle, staffordshire, surfacedecoration, teabowl, teacup, tealovers, thepinkstagram, vintage, vintagedinnerware, visualcrush, Wall hanging, womenceramicartists, womeninart, womeninceramics, womeninclay, womenincraft, yunomi,


Other Artwork by Melanie Sherman


My ceramics are handmade and painted with the finest overglazes from Europe. The gold luster used is 24k liquid Gold from Germany. Every piece is unique. My imagery is inspired by vintage Meissen dinnerware, William Morris wallpaper and other historical sources.

Vintage Moth Wall Piece Ornament Small Dish Candy Sugar Tea handpainted handmade butterfly peacock 24k German gold luster ceramics porcelain charm, jewelry, personalized, family, tree, retro, heart, mother, moon, baby, feet, gemstone, flower, mom, birth, year, art, chinapaint, luster, lustre, contemporary ceramics, futility of pleasure, herend, meissen, sevre, pattern, arita, arita ware, imari, imari ware, dresden, germany, japan, jingdezhen, china, photography, momento mori, flowers, flower motif, drawing, illustration, peacock, cherry blossom, chrysanthemum, kiku, 菊, kikka, 菊花, Ōka, 黄花, Kiku no hana, 菊の花, Chōgenbō, チョウゲンボウ, Jú shí, 菊石, rose, 薔薇, bara, Rōze, ローゼ, Rōzu, ローゼ, バラ, Jōshō shita, 上昇した, Wēi, 薇, Ikebana, Kadō, 生け花, 活け花, 華道, flowerarrangement, sogetsu, wabisabi, floralarrangement, tatebana, tatehana, zashikikazari, kimono, prahran, japanesetextiles, stonningtongifts, kazarichristmas, obi, vintageobi, vintagekimono, ziguzagu, kuge, 供華, Sedensho, rikka, 立花, suna-no-mono, 砂の物, chabana, nageirebana, 投入花, seika, shoka, 生花, Moribana, 盛花, suiban, kenzan, Jiyūka, 自由花, porcelain, goldluster, polarice, gold, goldpowder, dishes, jewelry, ringdishes, polariceporcelain, cups, necklace, ring, ceramics, bemyvalentine, pottery, cup, chinapainting, yunomi, kcmo, mugshotmonday, kck, kccrossroads, kcarts, kc, teacup, keramik, madeinkc, makersmovement, handthrown, japanesepattern, stokeontrent, porcelain, drache, makcollectiononline, designmuseum, designhistory, designdictionary, dose, decorativearts, mak, makwien, designhounds, keramik, appliedarts, postitfortheaesthetic, designanddecoration, porzellan, makvienna, visualcrush, lightingdesign, dragon, decarts, gold, pattern, vintage, decal, handpainted, cobaltblue, staffordshire, madeinengland, yunomi, porcelain, porzellanmalerei, pinkglitter, chinapaint, kcmade, keramik, ceramic, gold, luster, goldluster, teabowl, vintage, shinyobjects, gold, sparkle, pastelkawaii, pastel, harajukustyle, prescious, kawaiidesu, prettypastelplease, allthatglitters, harajuku, harajukufashion, aestheticfeed, tealovers, redworld, redgold, thepinkstagram, 24kgermangoldluster, moreismore, chinapainting, porcelain, justalittletipsy, andersonranch, andersonranchartscenter, colorado, snowmass, aspen, surfacedecoration, ornamentation, handmade, womeninart, womenincraft, womenceramicartists, pottersofinstagram, moderncraft ⁠modernceramics, craftswomen, kcmade, kansascityartist, blueflowers, madeinkc, horrorvaccui ⁠#keramik, ceramique, porcelainjewelry, stokeontrent, vintagedinnerware, owl, moreismore, chinapainting, porcelain, justalittletipsy, chalice, calix, holygrail, patterns, goblet, surfacedecoration, ornamentation, handmade, womeninart, womenincraft, womenceramicartists, pottersofinstagram, moderncraft, modernceramics, craftswomen, kcmade, kansascityartist, blueflowers, madeinkc, ceramics, keramik, ceramique, porcelain, stokeontrent, vintagedinnerware, ranchmade, andersonranchartscenter, andersonranch, snowmass, colorado, aspen, womeninclay, womeninceramics, womenincraft, kansascity, kccrossroads, kcmo, kcartist, ceramics, keramik, ceramique, porcelain, surfacedecoration, moreismore, chinapainting 24kgermangoldluster, aestheticfeed, allthatglitters, andersonranch, andersonranchartscenter, appliedarts, aspen, aspen, bemyvalentine, blueflowers, blueflowers, calix, ceramic, ceramics, ceramique, chalice, chinapaint, chinapainting, Christmas, christmasgift cobaltblue, colorado, craftswomen, cup, cups, decal, decarts, decorativearts, designanddecoration, designdictionary, designhistory, designhounds, designmuseum, dishes, dose, drache, dragon, gift, goblet, gold, goldluster, goldpowder, handmade, handpainted, handthrown harajuku, harajukufashion, harajukustyle, holiday, holidaygift, holidaysale holygrail, horrorvaccui, japanesepattern, jewelry, justalittletipsy, kansascity, kansascityartist, kawaiidesu, kc, kcartist, kcarts, kccrossroads, kck, kclocal kcmade, kcmo, keramik, lightingdesign, luster, madeinengland, madeinkc, mak, makcollectiononline, makersmovement, makvienna, makwien, modernceramics, moderncraft, moreismore, mugshotmonday, necklace, Ornament, ornamentation, owl, pastel, pastelkawaii, pattern, patterns, pinkglitter, polarice, polariceporcelain, porcelain, porcelainjewelry, porzellan, porzellanmalerei, postitfortheaesthetic, pottersofinstagram, pottery, prescious, prettypastelplease, ranchmade, redgold, redworld, ring, ringdishes, shinyobjects, snowmass, sparkle, staffordshire, surfacedecoration, teabowl, teacup, tealovers, thepinkstagram, vintage, vintagedinnerware, visualcrush, Wall hanging, womenceramicartists, womeninart, womeninceramics, womeninclay, womenincraft, yunomi,